Nature Medic

(Buy 10 and get 1 free) Fucoidan 3-Plus 3 types of fucoidan developed in Japan to enhance immunity (160 capsules) Made in Japan

(Buy 10 and get 1 free) Fucoidan 3-Plus 3 types of fucoidan developed in Japan to enhance immunity (160 capsules) Made in Japan

Regular price HK$35,900
Regular price Sale price HK$35,900
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  • Promote the growth of healthy cells and induce mutated cells to restart their self-apoptosis mechanism (Apoptosis).
  • Activate immune cells and inhibit the proliferation of abnormal cells.
  • Reduce the probability of foreign cell metastasis and recurrence.
  • Powerful antioxidant that helps repair damaged cells in the body.
  • Long-lasting natural anti-inflammatory, soothing various inflammations in the body.

Fucoidan has been proven to prevent thrombosis and dissolve existing thrombosis. In other words, consuming fucoidan may reduce the risk of myocardial infarction and alleviate the symptoms of ischemic heart disease. Based on these effects, fucoidan has great potential in developing new antithrombotic drugs for the treatment of aortic stenosis (AS) and has attracted much attention.

Nature Medic Fucoidan 3-Plus emphasizes that the optimal purity of fucoidan is 85%, which has been revealed through global fucoidan research over the past 20 years. The three types of fucoidan contained in it are all 85% high purity.

The quality of high-quality, expensive fucoidan raw materials with 85% purity is unmatched by low-purity fucoidan with 20-70% purity. This is the best fucoidan, available only to companies that specialize in fucoidan and consider consumer health as their highest value.

Nature Medic Fucoidan 3-Plus is a high-grade fucoidan that contains 50% more than other high-purity fucoidan products on the market.

Each bottle contains 40g of high-purity fucoidan (250mg x 160 capsules), allowing you to quickly consume a large amount of fucoidan.

When you compare this to other commercially available products that contain over 85% high purity fucoidan, you will immediately notice the difference in fucoidan content.

Product introduction:

Nature Medic Fucoidan 3-Plus Made of three types of brown algae - Seaweed, wakame and kelp - A product blended from extracted high-purity Fucoidan. This product is a revolutionary health food, no one has ever tried it like this before.

Nature Medic Fucoidan 3-Plus We use fresh seaweed Fucoidan from Okinawa, as well as wakame Fucoidan and kelp Fucoidan from Australia . This product is manufactured by Fucoidan specialist company Nature Medic Developed with expertise and experience.

Fucoidan is a polysaccharide extracted from brown algae. It contains different monosaccharides, such as fucose, xylose and galactose , as well as sulfate groups and uronic acid, etc. Fucoidan extracted from different types of brown algae has different molecular structures.

Due to differences in molecular structure, Fucoidan extracted from different types of brown algae may have different efficacy and effectiveness. Therefore, compared to Fucoidan extracted from a single type of brown algae, it is obvious that Fucoidan extracted from a variety of brown algae can produce a wider and stronger effect.

Nature Medic Fucoidan 3-Plus Just a mixture of three types of brown algae - Seaweed, wakame and kelp - High-purity Fucoidan extracted.

Rich in nutrients, it comprehensively improves your health!

Product features:

  • high concentration Fucoidan : Each bottle contains 40g of fucoidan (250mg per capsule), which is extracted from three types of brown algae (wakame, mozuku, and algae) to more effectively enhance health benefits.
  • High quality Agaricus blazei mycelium: Each bottle contains 4g of Agaricus mycelium (25mg per capsule) for a total of 160 capsules to help maintain intestinal health.
  • Probiotic formula: Contains widely recognized lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria to promote intestinal health.
  • Quality assurance: Each product is labeled with Nature Medic's logo and a 9-digit serial number sticker to ensure authenticity. The products comply with the cGMP standards of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are of reliable quality.

Product specifications:

  • Fucoidan content: 40g/bottle (250mg/tablet)
  • Agaricus blazei mycelium content: 4g/bottle (25mg/capsule), 360mg x 160 capsules/bottle

Product efficacy:

  • Promote gut health
  • Enhance immunity
  • Maintain body functions
  • Improve overall health
  • Confirmed to effectively inhibit foreign cell inhibition of human lung, colon, liver and breast cells

How to use

Recommended dosage: Take 4 to 16 tablets daily with water or warm water.

We recommend taking Nature Medic Fucoidan 3-Plus in divided doses throughout the day. Generally, if taking 8 pills per day, take 4 pills twice a day, or 2 pills 4 times a day (e.g., noon, evening, and before bed).

What are the three major functions of fucoidan?

Fucoidan has three major anti-cancer effects, which are called the three major effects.
Its three major functions are "activation of immune function", "inhibition of angiogenesis" and "apoptosis of cancer cells". *3

*3 Fucoidan plays three major roles in the Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Health Association.

Activate immune function

The immune system protects our bodies from foreign invaders.
This immune function is critical not only to cancer, but also to healthy daily life.

Cells called immune cells are responsible for such important functions.

There are many types of immune cells, and fucoidan is known to activate immune cells called NK cells and killer T cells, thereby improving immune function
. By activating immune cells, the number of cancer-fighting cells will increase and your body will be able to fight cancer more effectively.

Angiogenesis inhibition

When cancer cells grow abnormally, existing blood vessels are insufficient to provide nutrients, so they create new blood vessels on their own.

This is called angiogenesis.

It is said that fucoidan can inhibit the angiogenesis of cancer cells and prevent nutrients from reaching cancer cells.
. Cancer cells that are starved of nutrients are bombarded with food.
Therefore, it is expected to effectively prevent the proliferation and metastasis of cancer cells whose nutrient supply is cut off.

Eliminate cancer cells naturally

Cells have a program built into their genes that causes them to die after a certain amount of time.
This process is called apoptosis, also known as cell suicide.

However, cancer cells ignore this program and continue to multiply, developing into cancer.
Fucoidan has the effect of causing cancer cells to undergo apoptosis and lead to their self-destruction.

Promotes regeneration of all tissues

Fucoidan can not only activate dermal papilla cells, but also activate liver cells and improve liver function.
The liver is an organ with extremely high regenerative capacity. It is said that even if half of the liver is removed in a healthy person, it will return to its original state after a while.
HGF is a hepatocyte growth factor involved in the regenerative capacity of the liver.
Fucoidan increases liver cells and supports liver function by promoting the production of HGF.

HGF is found in liver cells, but has recently been found to promote regeneration in a variety of tissues, including kidneys, lungs, skin and blood vessels.
Research shows that HGF also acts on cells around hair roots. In 1998, Juntendo University announced the hair growth effect of HGF. *1
However, the reality is that the effects of HGF on hair growth have not yet been fully elucidated.
Future progress in basic research is expected to accelerate the development of effective hair growth agents using fucoidan.

Make your hair and skin beautiful

In order to grow strong and shiny hair, it is important to keep your scalp healthy.
When applied to the skin, fucoidan forms a film and exhibits high moisturizing power.
Hair growth products are expected to keep the scalp moist and regulate the scalp environment.
In addition, ingesting fucoidan as a healthy food is not only beneficial for the face and hair, but also for the beauty of the entire body.
In addition to the HGF effect and moisturizing effect mentioned above, it is also considered to have many beneficial functions for the skin, such as the antioxidant effect of removing reactive oxygen species that cause aging and the intestinal regulating effect.

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